Tuesday 5 April 2016

Module 2: Reflection / Skype session 05/04/2016, Led by Adesola

Module 2: Skype Session: 05/04/2016
Progress on Proposal / Ethical Consideration
Session led by: Adesola

What I wished to gain from this Skype session?

Before this morning's Skype Session with Adesola, I had been focusing predominantly upon Ethical Consideration and analysing the 'Reader 5' source. (My overview of this source can be found on my blog!  http://www.hucklebethany.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/module-2-reader-5-overview.html)

I wanted to discuss Ethical Consideration further throughout this session as there were various aspects that were slightly unclear. I also wished to hear other student's approaches to plan or structure their research and findings as I have now reached the stage where I have gathered multiple sources of literature regarding my Inquiry topic. I am now planning/structuring my findings.

The Skype session involved myself, Lara Falkner (Module 3) and Adesola. It was great to speak to Lara about gathering my data and research, also how she organised her interviews and communicated with other practitioners. I was interested and intrigued to here how she was progressing through Module 3 and what obstacles she has faced within the final module.

Throughout the session we discussed Ethical Consideration in greater detail and how it would apply to our industry and our Inquiry. Questions such as:
  • How ethics actually effects my perception of my Inquiry topic?
  • How ethics affects my behaviour whilst planning my research?
were discussed in great detail as ethics plays a major part within the planning of my Inquiry. With regards to my Inquiry and research I now realise that a simple task such as creating a questionnaire is more intricate than I thought. I always have to relate to the participants/interviewee's perception of the questionnaire. How I word every question is incredibly important as phrasing a sentence incorrectly could change the participant's response or possibly offend them. Considering the confidentiality of the participant's information is a key tool whilst collecting information as some findings may be personal to the interviewee, therefore I must inform them about confidentiality and protection to gain trust and confidence from the source.

We also discussed 'getting under the skin' of a source of information, 'not just on the surface'. By exploring what the source is and why it has been created, it gives me a more thorough understanding of my chosen topic. 

Adesola highlighted that Module 2 is based upon the PLANNING of the Inquiry, not finding a specific question! Adesola also said,

'The aim is to understand your Inquiry question better, its not about finding the answer to your question'

I found this point incredibly useful as I have been very curious as to what my Inquiry question will be, however I now know that at this stage I should focus on the next section which is planning my data for my Inquiry. I will be using my SIG Groups (based upon Facebook) to send an introductory invitation regarding my Professional Inquiry and questionnaire. By being accommodating and explaining my objectives and aims of my questionnaire and Inquiry, the participants are fully aware of the reasoning behind my message.

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