Tuesday 22 November 2016

Module 3: Participant Interview Consent Form

Informed consent form for participation in a work based research project/inquiry.

The title of the inquiry is: Wellbeing of a Performer

The purpose of this document is to make explicit the nature of the proposed involvement between the researcher and the person or organisation agreeing to supply information (the participants) and to record that the research participants understand and are satisfied with the proposed arrangements.

The researcher/inquirer:
The inquirer leading this research is Bethany Huckle
Contact details;
Mob: 079809478553 Email: hucklebethany@gmail.com

Her supervisor for the project is: Dr. Adesola Akinleye who can be reached by e-mail a.akinleye@mdx.ac.uk

The Inquiry: The purpose of the inquiry is to further the understanding of myself and others within my industry with regards to Wellbeing, by exploring topics revolved around fitness, health and nutrition. It is my intention to highlight to other performer’s different tools and methods that they apply to enhance their wellbeing.

What participation in the study will involve: Participants will be asked to attend one interview of up to 60 mins duration. The interview will be recorded on audiotape, then stored on a password protected computer. It is understood that the interviewee is free to decline to answer any question, to terminate the interview at any time and to require that any section or the whole of the recording be deleted.

Use of data: The aim will be to present the research along with data collected in other parts of the study. If so requested, the Researcher/inquirer will refrain from using data that the participant considers sensitive. The participants can request to be given copies of any publications based on the research if needed.

Anonymity of participants: All information acquired will be treated as confidential. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, references in publications, talks etc to particular organisations, individuals etc will be anonymised and features which might make identification easy will be removed.

Declaration by the research subject(s):

I/We have read and am/are satisfied with the arrangements as set out above.

Signature of participant(s) Date

Researcher's signature: Date

Monday 21 November 2016

Module 3
Interview Questions
Work Life Balance
How does your diet improve your wellbeing / impair your wellbeing, pleased give examples. Has this changed over the years or during your career?
Do your lifestyle habits change seasonally or in accordance to the work that you do?
What does the word Wellbeing mean to you?
Do you feel that the distribution is even or can be misbalanced to maintain wellbeing?
Do you feel that your wellbeing has changed over the past 5 years? If so what are the reasons for this?
What tips would you give to maintain a good state of Wellbeing?
Are you aware of the concept, Work, Life Balance?
Is it ever challenging to maintain an even distribution of working and family social time?
How easy do you find it to maintain an even distribution of work and family/leisure time?
What tips can you give to managing your time effectively at work and outside of work?
What specific elements of your job may prevent you from having a good sense of work/life balance?  (E.g. Working unsociable hours)
How does working with your family (partners) or away from them impact your wellbeing?
Do you feel that your state of wellbeing changes seasonally, when working on different contracts or in-between contracts? Please give examples of changes?
How important is sleep, rest and leisure time to you?
How do you rest and what do you find relaxes you? Have you any tips that help you to relax?
How do you prioritize your working Day?
How do you prioritize your leisure/ amily time?
How do you feel about unsociable hours of work impacting your wellbeing?
Do you feel that our wellbeing is being compromised in the 21st Century?
Media & Technology
How often do you use social media?  If so, what types? (E.g. FB, Twitter, Instagram)
How do you feel Social Media sites impact your wellbeing?
Do you feel that the media contributes to your wellbeing in a positive or negative way?
Are you influenced by advertisements, pop ups when using social media?
Are you influenced by advertisements, ‘pop ups’ when using social media?
How do you feel about your employer having a duty of care regarding your wellbeing? How could they help you maintain a good sense of Wellbeing?
Do you feel that Wellbeing in the 21st century is influenced by social media, or any other means of technology? (E.g. use of fitness gadgets, dietary gadgets, phone/smart apps?)
My Industry
How important is your health and fitness with regards to your industry?
How do other professionals impact your wellbeing?
What is the most challenging element within your work that hampers your wellbeing and why?
Does your industry dictate the way in which you look, act or behave?
What tips would you give to other professionals/practitioners to maintain stamina, voice and general good health?
What is the most challenging job you have worked within and why?
How would you like your industry to help you maintain a good sense of wellbeing?