Tuesday 13 September 2016

Module 3: Half a Sixpence, Reflecting Journal/Diary Entries

Module 3 
Diary/Journal Entries
Summer 2016 (July – September)
Location - Chichester Festival Theatre
Production - Half a Sixpence

Thursday 14th July  
Vocal Lozenges

I was first introduced to Vocal Zones (purchased from Boots over the counter) by a couple of the company members, throughout the last week of rehearsals and tech period of Half a Sixpence I gave them a try. I originally thought they were brilliant to use throughout performances as they gave me a clear sounding voice whilst singing.
However During an evening show on 14th July one of my fellow performers had seen that I had used a vocal zone and immediately told me to stop using them. They explained that the lozenge strips everything off of your throat, therefore irritating the voice further after using it! 

After this conversation I felt very cautious as to which lozenges were safe for my throat, however throughout Preview Performances an elder member of the cast introduced me to PROCTOR’S PINELYPTUS PASTILLES, a harmless lozenge consisting of herbal and natural sources.

Throughout his entire career he has sworn by these pastels as they are menthol however gently open and clear the voice. He explained that the pastilles are allot softer hitting in comparison to Vocal Zones. Trusting his knowledge I ordered 2 packs (40g each pack) from Amazon and they have worked a dream! My voice has never felt better whilst on and off stage. I believe these lozenges will prove to be incredibly useful to maintain a tuneful and healthy voice throughout future performance contracts.

Wednesday 10th August
Nuffield Health Gym

Myself and Devon (fellow performer within Half a Sixpence) decided to go to the gym before doing an evening performance. To end our workout we did a HIT Workout Circuit which involved exercises strengthening the core/abs. We were talking about how both of our colleges always preached about having a strong core and abs. 
We were unaware that the man working out opposite us was Physio/Chiropractor. He politely interrupted us to explain that our colleges have altered and distorted our perception of core muscles. He highlighted the fact that everyone has core muscles whether you are an athlete or have  stationary job.

He asked us the question, ‘What’s the first thing you do in the morning?’ I replied ‘Turn my alarm off on my phone’. He then replied to say ‘What muscles would you automatically use to carry out that action?’. Of course I use my abdominal muscles to get myself up!
He finished the conversation by saying,

You can do all the sit ups in the world or hold a plank position for 10 minute,s however everyone has a strong core, those exercises are actually balancing out the strength of your body! If you know how to maintain overall strength and balance you will be able to accomplish allot more than to just focus on your core’

This conversation at the gym really made me think about when I subconsciously use my core in everyday life. The advice he gave regarding working on overall body strength and not always working one specify muscle group, may prevent injuries or fatigue whilst performing.


We are very fortunate to have 2 incredible Yoga instructors within the cast of Half a Sixpence. On our double show days (2 days a week) they  had organised a 45 minute yoga session 12-12:45, before the shows commence.
At first I thought the idea of a yoga class before two shows was a bit crazy, as I thought I’d struggle to find the energy for the shows, however I found that this class prepared me physically and mentally for the day ahead. I had never experience yoga before and underestimated how calming and relaxing it is. Even though some movements and sequences were high intensity it still had a sense of grounding and balance. Throughout the classes the teacher would constantly focus on our breath, encouraging us to not be scared about making loud inhale and exhale releases. 

I had been quite stressed during certain weeks of the production whether it be challenges within the show or situations regarding family/friends, so the yoga sessions proved to be a perfect solution to clear my head space before getting into my character and ‘show mode’. This experience has changes my perception of yoga and I have found that this style of dance/meditation really helps to clear my thoughts before a show. 

11th – 24th August

During a Pantomime contract (Christmas 2015) I suffered with a shoulder injury. Mid-performance my shoulder dislocated and I managed to pop it back into place whilst still being on stage. I received Physio on it weekly whilst completing the contract and attempting to rest between shows.
After that contract I had no further shoulder problems and hadn’t received any Physio Therapy treatments. However mid contract of Half a Sixpence I had felt that my right shoulder was very tight and restricted. Every time I rolled my shoulder I could feel a bundle of knots getting in the way, which I knew wasn’t right therefore I grew cautious.
My first reaction was to massage it myself and not draw attention to myself as I didn’t want to admit to an injury or appear injured. The strain from my shoulder travelled to my lower back causing a sharp shooting pain whenever I raised my leg.

I spoke to Devon, who I share my changing room with, and she could see I was in quite a bit of pain and discomfort. She said to not be scared to speak to our Company Manager, as she would be able to organize a Physio Therapist to look at my shoulder. 

I plucked up the courage to speak to Kristy (CM) and she organized a Physio session once a week for 3 weeks. The Physio revealed that the tension had mounted up in my shoulder joint thus restricting movement. I was overcompensating and putting all the pressure and strain on my lower back causing a very mild case of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. The link below explains the dysfunction in greater detail:


The Physio gave me a combination of exercises to do before and after a performance and to Ice my back as much as possible. I stuck by these instructions for the remainder of the contract and my back and shoulder pain eased off completely.

I have learnt that whilst performing there is no use in putting on a brave face, I have to listen to my body, and admitting that I need to seek a Physio or assistance is not a negative thing or a sign of weakness.

Monday 7th September
Shanie’s Jazz Class

Ever since I was 12 years old I have attended a 3 hour jazz class at Pineapple Dance studios. Throughout Secondary School and College terms I was unable to go however within half terms, summer or bank holidays I would make sure I’d attend the class. Originally my dance teacher brought me along to the class. The class was filled with much older and experienced students, graduates and performers. I felt slightly anxious to dance with these individuals however being a fearless and energetic 12 year old I treated the class as a big obstacle play ground! Through the years I have danced and watched incredibly talented individuals who have truly inspired me and who have acted as my role models. To this day I am still attending Shanie’s Jazz Class and believe that it is the most challenging yet rewarding class any student/graduate/performer can do during their career.

On 3rd September I had finished my Contract at Chichester in Half a Sixpence and moved back home for a month, then to start rehearsals for the West End. I insisted that I would go to the dance class for the first time in 2 months however I felt slightly cautious as I knew I had suffered from shoulder and back injuries within the previous month. Usually I would have turned up to the studio 10 minutes before the class and not physically prepare myself for the 1hr ½ warm up and 1hr ½ routine/combination, however I made sure I gave myself 30 minutes to stretch out and prepare my body for the intense exercise that was coming my way!  By doing this I gave my body a head start before the class had begun. 

I had thought about comments I had been given from my Physio in Chichester, explaining how to prevent my back pain or shoulder lock. For the duration of the class’s warm up I concentrates on keeping my spine in line (making sure my tailbone was down). By channelling the strength and muscles in my glutes I didn’t take all of the strain onto my back.

By thinking about the new information given by my Physio, I could make sure I was physically preparing for training and looking after my body’s well-being. Reflecting on the past I never use to look after my body in the sense that warming up and cooling down correctly is crucial for the overall wellbeing of my body. As many practitioners within the performing arts would say ‘YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE’, therefore I must look after it in order to sustain maximum strength, stamina and performance.

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